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Gana LLP


Phone number (800) 810-4262

At Gana LLP, we focus our practice on securities arbitration/investor fraud, commercial litigation, and labor and employment.

Our law firm is dedicated and driven by getting our clients the best results possible. We believe that client satisfaction comes from our understanding of the client's goals. Through consultation and preparation, we position your case to achieve your desired result. However, we are realists. If we think your best course of action is to go to trial, we will recommend that you go to trial. If we believe the benefits of settling your case outweigh the risks, we will recommend that you settle your case. Ultimately, the decision is yours, but every recommendation we make has your best interests in mind.

If you have a legal issue and want to talk with an attorney, you should contact our dedicated staff and if we can not help you, we will try to find the right lawyers that can.

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